The Children’s Home Treehouse Café Campaign began at the FACES Live Auction on November 1st, continued through Giving Tuesday, and into 2020.
The Treehouse Café demands a versatile design to meet many needs – current and potential. The complex has multiple uses – dining, classes, meetings, and special events. Wear and tear is extreme with the amount of daily use. Industrial-strength features are necessary.
The Treehouse Café Campaign includes improvements for flooring, furniture, serving area, multi-media resources, and color and lighting for an inviting, comfortable, and utilitarian facility. Structural changes will improve the ability to expand into the lounge and outdoor deck to accommodate large meetings and events.
“The Dining Hall is a vital component of everyday life at the Home for its many uses for residents, staff, and the community,” said Wally Havener, Director of Environmental Services. “The good food provided by our dietary staff helps express the comforts of home. The atmosphere of the Dining Hall should also be comforting.”
Donations (Memo: Cafe) can be made at: https://www.thechildrenshome.net/donate